Join the Network

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Mediation Support Network! Please note that the MSN is no longer accepting open applications for new members due to capacity constraints (there are only four remaining places to fill).

There is an MSN Task Group to find representation from the following areas not currently represented in the MSN membership: Middle East (and North Africa), Central Africa, and Central Asia. Please note that only organisations meeting MSN criteria will be considered and the Network is only open to institutions rather than individuals. The criteria are as follows:

  • non-governmental
  • non-profit
  • practice oriented
  • supports mediation of peace negotiations (Track 1 or 1.5) actors
  • provide mediation support to multiple ongoing processes, ideally in more than one country
  • based in one of the following countries/contexts not currently represented in the Network:
    a. Middle East (and North Africa)
    b. Central Africa
    c. Central Asia

Please contact the MSN Secretariat directly if your organisation is located in any of these underrepresented areas.